CFMB Makeup Timeslots 2023 - for Kim and Leanne (2 Back to Back)
Artists: Azrael Spiryt and Paige
1. Creatures of Atlantis / 14th July 2023
KIM: Sea Queen/Goddess Creative Fantasy Makeup as discussed with Ocean Gem LipSense and Hair Up as Pictured
LEANNE: Sea Queen/Goddess Creative Fantasy Makeup as discussed with Ocean Gem LipSense and Hair Up as Pictured
BOTH / Time: 4.00 PM 2x $190.00
Location: Millennium Hotel Room / Artful HQ
2: Costumiers Fantasy Masquerade Ball / 15th July 2023
KIM: Hair-Up only, as pictured and discussed.
Time: 5.00 PM - $80.00
LEANNE: Hair-Up only, as pictured and discussed.
Time: 5.45 PM - $80.00
Location: Millennium Hotel Room / Artful HQ
Room number for Artful HQ will be advised by text message to the number provided upon checkin. Please arrive on time to your appointments, as our schedule is quite tight and this will help everything run smoothly.
Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Karen directly on karen@artfuladdiction.com or 0274559108 for urgent matters.
Terms and Conditions as per our service agreement.