Glitter Bar and Hair Timeslots 2023
Artist: Julzz Watson and Azrael Spiryt
Costumiers Fantasy Masquerade Ball / 15th July 2023
Appointment 1 - Look: Selection of Glitter and gems to suit grey and silver butterfly theme
Location: Sudima Market - Artful Addiction Booth 16/17
Time: 11:00am
Appointment 2 - Look: Glittery hair-up as discussed
Location: Millennium Hotel Room / Artful HQ
Time: 7.45 PM
Any Desired Fairy Jewel Hair Strands or Add ins can be selected at the market
Please arrive to your appointments on time to ensure smooth service.
Always available for questions on email karen@artfuladdiction.com or 0274559108
Hotel Room Number for service will be confirmed on check in Friday.